This Ontario student waited years for justice. Now, the accused in her sex assault case won't face trial

WNews 1 Min Read

WARNING: This story contains graphic language.

Sex assault survivor Rebecca Crane of Lac Seul First Nation north of Sioux Lookout, Ont., is finally able to tell her story — about a court system that allowed her alleged attacker to walk free because he wasn’t given a timely trial.

“I yelled at them,” recalled Crane of the phone call she received from Kenora-based Crown attorney Mary Anne Mousseau, along with a victim support worker and two police officers, who told her the news. “I was very upset, and then I probably cried the hardest I’ve ever cried once I was off the call.”

Crane, now 29 and a student at Western University in

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Reading: This Ontario student waited years for justice. Now, the accused in her sex assault case won't face trial

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