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Ops: The Case for a Hybrid Healthcare System in Canada: A New Way Forward

Canada’s healthcare system, once a source of pride, is struggling due to overcrowded hospitals, long

B.C. Implements Groundbreaking Minimum Wage and Protections for Gig Economy Workers Amid Mixed Reactions

British Columbia has introduced new regulations that set a minimum wage of $20.88 per hour

Brazilian judge orders suspension of X platform in Brazil amid feud with Musk

In a significant escalation of tensions between tech giants and national legal authorities, a Brazilian

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Hunter Biden Convicted on Three Felony Gun Charges

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has been convicted on three federal felony charges, marking a historic and politically

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Breaking: Trump lawyer says will appeal verdict ‘as soon as we can’

New York, NY (WNEWS BREAKING) — Former President Donald Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche has announced late Thursday that they intend

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Several civilians and military members have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Syria’s Aleppo, according to Syrian state-run media

Aleppo, Syria (WNEWS #BREAKING) -- According to the #Syrian state news agency SANA, a series of Israeli airstrikes targeting areas

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Schools say kids are compulsively using social media. But experts say they learned from the best

What happens when the generation of kids whose parents shared all their milestones online gets older and starts using social media themselves?Several

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B.C.'s iconic Martin Mars water bomber to become 'centrepiece' of new museum exhibit

When wildfires burn in B.C., there's always the question: where is the Martin Mars water bomber? It's an iconic piece of

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Man switched at birth renews calls for N.L. government to apologize

It took Clarence Hynes five years to order a DNA test, which would prove the inevitable fact he didn't want to confront.His

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On pre-budget charm offensive, Trudeau announces plans to expand $10-a-day child care

Politics·NewThe federal government's pre-budget charm offensive is back for a second straight day — this time aimed at parents and

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Beyoncé's country era is here. Will it change anything for Black country musicians?

On the surface, Beyoncé and Sacha Visagie have little in common.Where Beyoncé was born in Houston, Visagie grew up in the tiny town

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