2 former paramedics appealing convictions in death of Hamilton teen Yosif Al-Hasnawi

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Two men sentenced Tuesday for failing to provide the necessaries of life to a Hamilton teen while they were paramedics are appealing their convictions in the unprecedented case.

Christopher Marchant, 33, and Steven Snively, 56, also have 30 days to appeal their sentences, including having to serve 18 months in the community, in the 2017 death of 19-year-old Yosif Al-Hasnawi.

Toronto-based lawyer Michael Lacy said Marchant and Snively have filed notices of appealing their convictions.

In an email to CBC, Lacy described Al-Hasnawi’s death as a “tragedy” that impacted many.

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“The circumstances giving rise to the charges against Mr. Marchant and Mr. Snively, two hard-working and dedicated paramedics,

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Reading: 2 former paramedics appealing convictions in death of Hamilton teen Yosif Al-Hasnawi

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