His influence was 'everything': Canadians mourn loss of fashion titan André Leon Talley

WNews 1 Min Read

When it was announced that former U.S. Vogue editor at large André Leon Talley died at 73 years old on Wednesday, the fashion community in Canada and abroad lamented an enormous loss. 

Talley, an industry titan who was known for his exuberance and stately wardrobe — expressed through a kaleidoscope of colourful capes, gloves and coats — made his mark during an era when few Black fashion journalists could rise to the top of an elite world. 

For a Black fashion designer, Talley meant “everything,” said Rhowan James, a menswear designer from Toronto who calls Talley a “template” for young Black

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Reading: His influence was 'everything': Canadians mourn loss of fashion titan André Leon Talley

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