Doctor accused in New Brunswick COVID-19 outbreak sues province, RCMP, Facebook

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The doctor who was accused of breaking New Brunswick’s COVID-19 rules by failing to isolate, and of being the source of a deadly outbreak, in 2020 is suing the province, the RCMP and Facebook’s parent company.

Lawyers for Dr. Jean-Robert Ngola, 52, said Thursday they have filed their claim with the Court of Queen’s Bench in Moncton — seven months after they announced their intention.

The document alleges, among other things, “institutional anti-Black systemic racism,” abuse of power, negligence, defamation, malicious prosecution and a breach of the doctor’s charter rights.

“This is a battle for rights, human dignity and against racism,” Ngola told reporters in French during an online

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Reading: Doctor accused in New Brunswick COVID-19 outbreak sues province, RCMP, Facebook

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