Landlord delivers new appliances — and a $4,500 increase in annual rent

WNews 1 Min Read

A Saint John family that’s lived in the same apartment building since 2014 is moving out at the end of January after the property’s new landlord increased their rent by $375 per month.  

“I just couldn’t believe it,” said resident Eileen Godin. “I’ve lived here for seven years and the most we’ve ever had for an increase is $25.”

Godin lives in a 12-unit building on Bonita Avenue with her partner, Mark Taylor, and 15-year-old daughter. They are paying $725 a month, but were notified in October that it would jump to $1,100 on Feb. 1, an increase of 52 per cent.  

The property

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Reading: Landlord delivers new appliances — and a $4,500 increase in annual rent

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