Lincoln Alexander, Canada's 1st Black MP, would have turned 100 today and is still touching hearts

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Lincoln Alexander is remembered as Canada’s first Black member of Parliament and federal cabinet minister, and Ontario’s first Black lieutenant-governor.

But to those whose lives he touched, Alexander, who would have turned 100 Friday, he’s much more.

Evelyn Auchinvole remembers how Alexander helped Hamilton’s first Black church with its first constitution, getting it a charitable tax number, and his singing.

“I grew up in Stewart Memorial Church with him singing in the church choir carrying the bass notes with his big, deep voice,” said Auchinvole, a church historian and archivist.

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“As he progressed into public life, we felt that same, I’ll say, lifting up by association.”


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Reading: Lincoln Alexander, Canada's 1st Black MP, would have turned 100 today and is still touching hearts

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