Anti-Black racism 'deeply entrenched' in nursing, says new report calling for immediate action

WNews 1 Min Read

Daria Adèle Juüdi-Hope still can’t forget the words of one of her patients from years ago.

She was wrapping a nursing shift and was saying goodbye to the woman, telling her another nurse would be taking over from her.

“I hope that it’s not a Black one,” the patient told her. It was.

Juüdi-Hope told CBC News she later found out that same patient told her new nurse that being able to call on a Black nurse reminded her of slavery.

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“It dehumanizes you as a person and makes you feel inferior,” Juüdi-Hope told CBC News.

Racism on the job, fear of backlash

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Reading: Anti-Black racism 'deeply entrenched' in nursing, says new report calling for immediate action

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