Auditor general says she won't probe donations made to Trudeau Foundation

WNews 1 Min Read

The federal auditor general says she will not investigate how the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation handled two donations with possible links to the Chinese government.

Last week, the foundation’s interim board chair wrote to the auditor general’s office saying it would welcome an investigation by auditor Karen Hogan of donations made in 2016 and 2017 totalling $140,000.

“I have determined that my office will not be conducting an audit,” Hogan wrote in a letter sent Monday.

“This decision is based on the scope of my authority under the Auditor General Act and our review of the endowment agreement between the government of Canada and the foundation.”

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The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation’s CEO and

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Reading: Auditor general says she won't probe donations made to Trudeau Foundation

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