Lennox Island to fish 1,000 lobster traps off P.E.I.'s North Shore, with or without DFO signoff

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The chief of Lennox Island First Nation says it will fish 1,000 traps in the spring lobster fishery off P.E.I.’s North Shore this year as part of its treaty-protected fishery — whether or not the Department of Fisheries and Oceans approves. 

The First Nation was planning to do the same last year, but ended up reaching an understanding with DFO to fish no more than the 300 traps the federal government could authorize in the spring, and later fish another 700 off the South Shore as part of the fall lobster fishery. 

Chief Darlene Bernard said she’s always been clear about her community’s

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Reading: Lennox Island to fish 1,000 lobster traps off P.E.I.'s North Shore, with or without DFO signoff

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