Luge athlete claims life-altering Whistler crash was culmination of coach's 'selfish' abuse

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An athlete who was left with a long list of life-altering injuries after a “catastrophic” crash at the Olympic luge track in Whistler, B.C., more than three years ago has filed a lawsuit claiming the crash was the culmination of years of harassment, bullying and hazing by a coach who put his own goals over a teenager’s safety.

Garrett Reid, now 19, has claimed coach Matthew McMurray was abusive towards him while he was racing for the national NextGen team in 2018 and 2019.

The lawsuit filed in B.C. Supreme Court alleged the abuse ultimately led Reid to crash on the fastest section of track at the Whistler Sliding Centre

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Reading: Luge athlete claims life-altering Whistler crash was culmination of coach's 'selfish' abuse

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