Vancouver paramedic tells inquest he misjudged Myles Gray's race because of severe bruising after police fight

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WARNING: This story contains distressing details.

A specialized life-support paramedic who tried to resuscitate the unarmed man who died after being beaten by multiple Vancouver police officers nearly eight years ago has testified the bruising on the man’s skin was so severe he was initially confused about the patient’s race.

Stephen Shipman told a coroner’s inquest on Tuesday that it took two attempts to intubate Myles Gray, 33, after he stopped breathing because his airway was swollen after the fight in a Burnaby, B.C., backyard in 2015.

“He was beaten pretty bad,” said Shipman. “I’m not trying to be rude, but … I didn’t think he was a white guy.

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Reading: Vancouver paramedic tells inquest he misjudged Myles Gray's race because of severe bruising after police fight

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