$1.2B deal reached on Calgary arena project that replaces Saddledome — mostly with public funds

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City officials say they’ve reached a deal in principle to replace Calgary’s aging Saddledome.

“A great deal of work has taken place to bring us to this milestone day,” Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek said Tuesday.

The arena would be the new home of the Calgary Flames of the NHL and anchor the Rivers District, which includes East Village and Victoria Park, the city said. 

The costs, as announced Tuesday, total more than $1.2 billion.

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That’s significantly higher than the previous arena estimate, which had increased to $634 million when CSEC, owner of the Flames, withdrew. That deal involved more than $300 million in public money. Talks restarted late last year.

But the

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Reading: $1.2B deal reached on Calgary arena project that replaces Saddledome — mostly with public funds

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