WNBA star Brittney Griner says she had to dig 'deep' to get through Russian detainment

WNews 1 Min Read

Hope bounced around Brittney Griner like a buoy and an anchor.

Hope of returning home, hope of a miracle, was all she had all those months in a Russian prison. On the days hopelessness crept in, days that grew as her detainment stretched into a second winter, optimism drowned in despair.

Photos of her family half a world away kept Griner afloat.

“Just being able to see their faces, that did it for me,” Griner said Thursday in her first news conference since being released. “The moment where you kind of want to give up, you look at the photos and it kind

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Reading: WNBA star Brittney Griner says she had to dig 'deep' to get through Russian detainment

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