Supreme Court of Canada to release ruling over police misconduct tied to 2007 mass gang slaying in B.C.

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The Supreme Court of Canada is set to rule early Friday on an appeal by two men found guilty of first-degree murder in the gang executions of six people in Metro Vancouver more than 15 years ago.

Lawyers for Cody Haevischer and Matthew Johnston argued last October before the high court that the men were wrongfully denied an opportunity to give evidence about “egregious” police misconduct and cruel in-custody treatment that tainted their convictions.

The case has been further complicated since those arguments because Johnston died of cancer last December.

However, his lawyer Brock Martland said he spoke with Johnston the day before he died and he wanted the Supreme

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Reading: Supreme Court of Canada to release ruling over police misconduct tied to 2007 mass gang slaying in B.C.

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