Would you share a single room with 3 other people? Why student housing is in a crisis

By WNews 1 Min Read

For the next year, this is what Alexandra Mussar will call home: a cramped bedroom with water damage and dysfunctional sinks, in a house shared with six other students. For this, she’s paying $840 every month.

This isn’t how she pictured her university housing experience, but after six long months hunting for somewhere to live, she says she felt she had to settle.

“There were no other options. This was my last resort,” she said. “It was either that or I was couch surfing for the next year.”

Across the country, students are sharing similar stories. The soaring rents that have hit some of Canada’s biggest cities have

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Reading: Would you share a single room with 3 other people? Why student housing is in a crisis

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