Another N.B. cabinet minister quits as turmoil over Higgs's leadership deepens

WNews 1 Min Read

The turmoil within New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservative Party was deepening Friday morning as another minister quit Premier Blaine Higgs’s cabinet and four former top party officials demanded the premier resign.

Portland-Simonds MLA Trevor Holder, the longest-serving MLA in the legislature, announced in an open letter he was quitting as minister of post-secondary education, training and labour.

“Under the leadership of Premier Higgs, caucus has been less about consensus and more about him getting his own way,” Holder wrote.

Holder said he has tried many times to explain to the premier the importance of working more collaboratively but to no avail.

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“While I have tried

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Reading: Another N.B. cabinet minister quits as turmoil over Higgs's leadership deepens

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