Humpback whale 'Poptart' returns to Salish Sea with new baby

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Delighted whale watchers have spotted a trio of newborn humpback whale calves in the Salish Sea.

The mothers and babies are the first ones reported in the 2023 whale-watching season as humpbacks return to local waters from their winter breeding grounds near Hawaii or Mexico.

“There are three that we can confirm, and we’ll probably hear of several more throughout the year,” said Erin Gless with the Pacific Whale Watch Association.

Popular Humpback BCY1404 is the only first-time mother among the three, according to Gless. BCY1404 is also known by the nickname “Poptart,” given to her by whale watchers for the way she would breach out of

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Reading: Humpback whale 'Poptart' returns to Salish Sea with new baby

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