Montreal-area paramedics are administering more Naloxone than ever

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New data obtained by Radio-Canada shows that the opioid crisis is reaching unprecedented levels in Montreal and Laval as paramedics are responding to more overdoses.

In 2022, Urgences-Santé paramedics administered Naloxone a record 291 times, compared to 194 in 2020 and 136 in 2018. This year looks set to be worse, with 163 interventions recorded between January and June.

“It’s worrying,” says Urgences-Santé spokesperson Stéphane Smith. “On the other hand, giving Naloxone saves lives.”

Naloxone is a fast-acting drug that temporarily neutralizes the effects of an opioid overdose.

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“I’m not looking forward to July and August,” said Smith, noting overdoses tend to spike in the summer.

Lower-quality drugs

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Reading: Montreal-area paramedics are administering more Naloxone than ever

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