Father and son drive for 2 days from Virginia to Niagara Falls to load up on ketchup chips

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After two days of driving down backroads from Virginia in a vintage army jeep, Rich and Jacob Lieberman finally reached Niagara Falls.

The view was glorious, but the American father and son duo weren’t looking at the water falls.

They were in Jim’s No Frills, staring at dozens and dozens of bags of ketchup chips.

“They had 41 bags, so we left one,” 58-year-old Rich told CBC Hamilton, while sitting next to his 15-year-old son who is legally blind and deaf.

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The store’s owner ended up meeting them, taking a picture of them and posting it to Facebook, where it has been shared more

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Reading: Father and son drive for 2 days from Virginia to Niagara Falls to load up on ketchup chips

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