2 years in, activists warn backsliding for women, girls continues unabated in Taliban's Afghanistan

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Nearly two years after Kabul fell to the Taliban, activists warn that human rights for women and girls continue to plummet in Afghanistan. They’re pushing for democracies like Canada to adopt a tougher posture with the regime. 

“The Taliban are not going to be different just if the government is issuing strongly worded statements,” said Friba Rezayee, the executive director of Women Leaders of Tomorrow, a Vancouver-based organization that advocates for Afghan womens’ education and empowerment.

“What’s happening in Afghanistan now is that the Taliban have a monopoly over violence. They want to keep the public and the people uneducated and ignorant so that they can promote

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Reading: 2 years in, activists warn backsliding for women, girls continues unabated in Taliban's Afghanistan

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