American family flooded with ketchup chips after Canadian quest for them is now paying back the snack

WNews 1 Min Read

There were 40 bags of ketchup chips in the back of Rich Lieberman’s vintage army jeep when he left Niagara Falls, Ont., with his son Jacob in July.

But in recent weeks, the American father-son pair have received more than they could ever have imagined.

“We have way too much,” Lieberman posted to Facebook in mid-August.

Their two-day road trip saw them travel from Virginia to a No Frills in Niagara Falls to buy a year’s worth of ketchup chips for 15-year-old Jacob, since they can’t get the Canadian snack at home.

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An online post about the trip went viral, much to the delight of Jacob, who is deaf and legally blind.

After the family got

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Reading: American family flooded with ketchup chips after Canadian quest for them is now paying back the snack

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