Loops, rolls and barrel turns: Air show pilots display their signature manoeuvres

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They may be noisy but these fighter jets and other mighty aircraft are a sight to behold during annual air shows around the world.

In Canada

The Snowbirds fly over the Toronto lakeshore on Friday, one day before the start of the Canadian International Air Show. The air show traditionally closes the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) on Labour Day weekend.

(Alex Lupul/CBC)

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During show days, a Canadian air force CH-146 Griffon helicopter will be demonstrating its search-and-rescue capabilities over Lake Ontario.

(Alex Lupul/CBC)

Pilots with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels perform formation and manoeuvres. 

(Alex Lupul/CBC)

South of the border

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The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform at the annual Chicago Air and Water Show on Aug. 20, as

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Reading: Loops, rolls and barrel turns: Air show pilots display their signature manoeuvres

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