Helicopter pilot to receive Medal of Honor for daring rescue during Vietnam War

haley britzky
haley britzky 1 Min Read
CNN  — 

It wasn’t until after Army Capt. Larry Taylor had picked up four of his fellow soldiers during a raging firefight in Vietnam – the men clinging onto the outside of his helicopter, as there wasn’t room inside – that he realized he had to figure out where to take them.

It was June 18, 1968, and then-1st Lt. Taylor and his copilot had been called out in their AH-1G Cobra helicopter to rescue a four-man long-range reconnaissance patrol team who were pinned down by the enemy, with seemingly no way out.

“My copilot says, ‘Sir, now that we’ve got ‘em, what the hell are

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Reading: Helicopter pilot to receive Medal of Honor for daring rescue during Vietnam War

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