With Imran Khan in jail, Pakistan gears up for election most voters don't trust

WNews 1 Min Read

At the top of a winding road in the hills of Islamabad, deep in the backyard of a private home, dozens of people gather and wait for a political rally to start, waving a few red and green flags.

Days before a national election, this is how the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party is campaigning following a crackdown from authorities: quietly. 

“I am doing my best, but there is hindrance on behalf of the police, on behalf of the administration,” said Shoaib Shaheen, a candidate and PTI’s former lawyer, as he arrived at the gathering. 

“Threats to our candidates, and threats to our supporters

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Reading: With Imran Khan in jail, Pakistan gears up for election most voters don't trust

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