A major U.S. national-security bill is at risk of spectacular collapse. What happens next?

By WNews 1 Min Read

A far-reaching legislative effort risks exploding in spectacular fashion in a Wednesday afternoon vote in the U.S. Senate.

Fragments of unfinished business would be left strewn across the political landscape: Migration reform, weapons for an increasingly desperate Ukraine, and security aid for Taiwan and Israel.

It’s all part of a sweeping national-security bill Republicans spent months negotiating, a bill with numerous Republican priorities, backed by the Republican-supporting Border Patrol union, and by Republican Wall Street Journal editorialists, and it could soon be killed — by Republicans.

“Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump,” U.S. President Joe Biden said Tuesday. “Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for

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Reading: A major U.S. national-security bill is at risk of spectacular collapse. What happens next?

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