Bill Cunningham, CBC reporter who covered Vietnam War and coined The National, dead at 91

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Bill Cunningham, the Canadian broadcast journalist who covered the Vietnam War for the CBC and helped name its flagship program, has died. He was 91.

An obituary posted on Saturday said he passed away peacefully in Toronto on Jan. 31.

A native of Yarmouth, N.S., Cunningham began working as a correspondent for the CBC in the mid-1950s.

In 1966, he became the executive producer of CBC’s national news program, The National, whose name he coined.

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“Bill decided more than 40 years ago that the show needed a title with more oomph and half the verbiage of The CBC National News,” his obituary reads.

After leaving the CBC in

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Reading: Bill Cunningham, CBC reporter who covered Vietnam War and coined The National, dead at 91

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