She was the sole girl on the boys' hockey team. Decades later, she's cheering on the PWHL

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The Current10:20A trailblazer for women’s hockey

When an 11-year-old Dagmar Boettcher lined up for a face-off during a hockey game in 1964, she overheard a conversation that’s stuck with her for decades.

“I could hear two elderly women sitting in the stands right behind me,” she recounted. “And I heard one of them say to the other, ‘Muriel, I think that’s a girl.'”

“The other one said, ‘Don’t be ridiculous. That’s not a girl.'”

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But it was a girl — a girl in love with hockey, and the only one on her school’s hockey team.

“I loved running around, I loved the wind against me.

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Reading: She was the sole girl on the boys' hockey team. Decades later, she's cheering on the PWHL

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