$6 breakfast a welcome deal for B.C. diners as restaurants try to balance costs and customers

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In a packed parking lot along a busy thoroughfare, Bob Rochon has nothing but good things to say about the breakfast he just finished eating.

“Fantastic, good quality stuff,” he said. “It’s awesome.”

But the thing that really brought him in?

“You can’t beat six bucks,” he said. “It’s been a while since [a meal’s] been that price.”

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Inside, others diners say the same. Almost everyone is eating an identical plate of food: bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and toast, all for $5.95 plus tax. 

Mary Auger says she came in after her niece told her about the price.

“I could not believe it,” she said.

“Shock,” her tablemate, Bib Francis added. “We usually

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Reading: $6 breakfast a welcome deal for B.C. diners as restaurants try to balance costs and customers

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