B.C. sets nurse-to-patient ratios for 6 areas of hospital care

WNews 1 Min Read

British Columbia’s Ministry of Health has established nurse-to-patient ratios that will be used in hospitals across the province to improve workload standards.

The new standards set the minimum number of nurses required for six specific areas of care, including general medicine and intensive care.

With this move, B.C. becomes the first province in Canada to implement minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. It also makes good on a provincial commitment to the B.C. Nurses’ Union (BCNU), with minimum ratios a key plank of contract negotiations last year.

Health Minister Adrian Dix has previously said setting nurse-to-patient ratios is “the leading international practice” for retaining nurses and delivering quality

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Reading: B.C. sets nurse-to-patient ratios for 6 areas of hospital care

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