WNews Broadcasting Corp

About WNews

Welcome to Your WNews

Welcome to WNews, a subsidiary of W-World Media Inc. Based out of Metro Vancouver, Canada.

Founded in 2012 as World News Network

We believe in fair reporting of the latest news with an unbiased spin.

Our Tagline


The Game-Changer in News


History of Key Events:


2012: WorldNewsNetwork7.com was launched to the world as a rebranding test.

2013: Launched New Social Reading Features as development by Facebook Technology

March 2014: WNewsNetwork.com was brought as WorldNewsNetwork7.com ended.

March 2014: WorldNewsNetwork is rebranded to WNewsNetwork.

March-November: Development of a New Platform and rebrand for the World to see.

March 2014: W-World Media is formed.

December 24, 2014: WNewsNetwork.com launches to the world.

March 2015: Octavian Olaru join on board with the company as COO/CMO

Summer 2015: New Social Media Accounts and New daily features are launched.

June 2015: WNews’s WNNTop5 launches with the daily Top 5 Headlines

Fall 2015: New Facebook Pages are launched with WNews Vancouver.

December 2015: A New Year-end review is launch with the #2015InReview which showcase the Top 31 Stories of the year

December 24, 2015: WNewsNetwork V2 is launched

January 1, 2016: W-World Media is Officially Incorporated December 2015 in Canada.

September 2016: WNewsNetwork V3.0 was launch with new Look, features and more.

December 2016: The Second Annual Year-end Review takes place with #2016InReview

July 2017: The WNNTop5 is a redesign with a new look.

December 2017: The third annual year-end Review #2017InReview takes place with a new sub-site, a special broadcast show and a new look.

May 2018: Peter Scott joins the company as COO and Head of Operations.

December 2018: The fourth annual year-end in review takes place.

June 2019: The biggest redesign of WNews, takes place with version 5.

May 2022: WNews Broadcasting Corp is formed and WNewsNetwork is rebranded in WNews


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Notice a bug on the site or want to suggest a feature. Please fill out the information below and one of our IT will look at the bug/feature report. If we have any questions or want more information, we will reach out vis email.

(C) 2012 – 2024  | WNews Broadcasting Corp, a W-World Company | All Rights Reserved

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Welcome to The New W.News

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to W.News 6, the most extensive update ever. Please bear with us as we continue to work on and fine tune the new site. WNewsNetwork.com will remain online until June 30, 2024.