stephen collinson

19 Articles

How a former Trump official's conviction could echo in ex-president's cases

CNN  —  The swift conviction of Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress sent

Biden's unpopularity could give Trump his shot at reclaiming power

CNN  —  The devastating verdict voters deliver on President Joe Biden in a new CNN poll is especially

US scorns Putin's possible turn toward North Korea

CNN  —  Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un may each have something the other wants – a dangerous

Clashes mount between Trump and his legal nemesis

CNN  —  Special counsel Jack Smith is not done with former President Donald Trump and his entourage, despite

Trump is in a league of his own as GOP primary hits fall sprint

CNN  —  There are two Republican primaries as an election season that defies conventional metrics and campaign trail

A net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers and may be closing in on Trump

CNN  —  It turns out that there is a heavy price for trying to steal votes, defaming defenseless

McConnell's frozen moment renews questions about America's aged leaders

CNN  —  It was an excruciating moment of powerlessness for one of Washington’s most powerful men. Senate Minority

Trump and the courts are on a 2024 election collision course

CNN  —  Two courtroom dramas 700 miles apart arising from Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the last election

Drama unfolds on two fronts Monday as Trump cases enter new phase

CNN  —  Americans are about to learn significant new details on the timing and the substance of the

Presidential mug shot of inmate No. P01135809 is stark in its simplicity

CNN  —  Millions and millions of photographs have been taken of American presidents. But none like this. The

What Putin will take away from the first Republican presidential debate

CNN  —  If Vladimir Putin was watching the Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night, he would have found

Trump's looming surrender will kill the buzz of the first GOP debate

CNN  —  Donald Trump’s day trip to an Atlanta jail Thursday will show that the defining moments of

A remarkable day at Fulton County jail as Trump's surrender looms

CNN  —  A parade of Donald Trump’s co-defendants setting bond and surrendering at an Atlanta jail is beating

Trump's $200,000 bond drives home the unique peril of his Georgia indictment

CNN  —  Chalk up another first for Donald Trump. In the latest stage of his transformation from the

Trump's expected Georgia surrender and debate no-show shatter campaign conventionality

CNN  —  The already logic-shattering 2024 White House race is expected to make an extraordinary detour through an

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