
11139 Articles

Farming in extreme heat showed me climate change is real. Changing my lifestyle is harder

This First Person column is written by Anna Helmer, a potato farmer in Pemberton, B.C. For more information

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Manitoba reviewing contract after staffing agency fails to recruit a single doctor to province after 8 months

Manitoba's health minister is examining why a staffing agency has little to show for itself after signing a contract

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Israeli woman says she was sexually assaulted while being held hostage in Gaza

WARNING: This article contains details of sexual assault and physical violence and may affect those who have experienced​ ​​​sexual

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Stranded killer whale was pregnant, necropsy shows

A necropsy on the killer whale that died after being stranded off northern Vancouver Island shows she was pregnant with

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2 gambling scandals are now threatening pro sports, and the problems may run deeper

This is an excerpt from The Buzzer, which is CBC Sports' daily email newsletter. Stay up to speed on

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Supreme Court asked to reconsider hearing case of Canadian men detained in Syria

In a rare move, lawyers representing four Canadian men held in prisons in northeastern Syria have asked Canada's

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RCMP say 4 found dead inside rural home near Neudorf, Sask., were all family members

SaskatoonOfficers were still on scene Tuesday afternoon at the rural Saskatchewan home where RCMP say four people from

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Dust devil whirls through Prince George, B.C., parking lot

A large dust devil was caught on video tearing through a mall parking lot in Prince George, B.C., on Saturday afternoon

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Shortage of wooden hydro poles threatens reliability of grid, say electricity producers

In a newly published report, electricity providers across the country warn a looming shortage of wooden utility poles

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Violence in N.L. schools worse than it's ever been, teachers' union says

The Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers' Association says violence in schools has reached a level never seen before and, alongside

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Ontario finance minister set to deliver 2024 budget

Toronto·NewOntario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy will table the province’s budget this afternoon. This is Bethlenfalvy’s fourth budget since

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2 more belugas dead at Marineland marking 17 whale deaths since 2019

Two more beluga whales have died at Marineland, bringing the total number of whale deaths since 2019 to

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By taking cash, woman implicitly agreed to settlement with Robert Miller, Quebec judge rules

By leaving the office of Robert Miller's lawyer with $50,000, a woman implicitly agreed to a settlement and her

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Quebec biology students allege degrading hazing at Université de Sherbrooke

WARNING: The following article contains graphic descriptions of degrading treatment.An investigation by Radio-Canada has found that some biology

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More than 400 Art Gallery of Ontario workers on picket line as strike forces gallery to close

Hundreds of employees from the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) gathered on the picket line as they began strike action

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