
11139 Articles

U.S. surgeons transplant pig heart into human patient in medical first

In a medical first, doctors have transplanted a pig heart into a patient, in a last-ditch effort to

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Back to online learning: Inside the homes of several families during Omicron

An animation gif shows children and families at home taking part in remote learning during the week of

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MPs call for Commons committee probe of health agency's use of mobile data

Opposition MPs want the House of Commons ethics committee to investigate the Public Health Agency of Canada's decision

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Students left in lurch after Quebec private colleges, recruiting firm file for creditor protection

Three Quebec colleges and a connected recruiting firm have filed for creditor protection, adding to the uncertainty for hundreds

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Yellowknife family braves -35 C cold, skiing all day to honour young skier's life

A family of four braved -35 C cold to ski from sunset to sundown on Jan. 2 to

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2021 was Earth's 5th-hottest year on record, according to European Union scientists

Last year was the world's fifth hottest on record, while levels of planet-warming carbon dioxide and methane in

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Canada offers to help U.S. de-escalate Russia-Ukraine crisis with potential deterrence measures

Canada has told the U.S. that it's willing to help with potential deterrence measures against Russia, which could

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Students in B.C. and Alberta return to classrooms today

The latest:Students in Alberta and British Columbia are returning to classrooms on Monday after an extended holiday break.

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I survived a war as a child, but life doesn't owe me anything

This First Person column is written by Nadja Halilbegovich, a writer and child survivor of the Bosnian War

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Investors say millions are missing and a businessman can't be found. How an alleged Ponzi scheme played out

A Toronto businessman accused in court filings of being one of two masterminds in a multimillion-dollar COVID-19-related Ponzi

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Golden Globe Awards push ahead without red carpet, telecast

The Golden Globe Awards, Hollywood's so-called biggest party that regularly drew 18 million television viewers, was reduced to

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Maj.-Gen. Fortin's appeal of decision around reinstatement to vaccine task force to go ahead

An appeal by Maj.-Gen. Dany Fortin concerning a bid to have himself reinstated as the head of Canada's vaccine rollout

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First Nation says Alberta is preventing it from taking control of child welfare

A First Nation in Alberta says it's been nearly three months since it was supposed to take legal

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Alberta animal shelters receive influx of donations as tribute to TV icon Betty White

Calgary animal shelters have already received thousands of dollars in donations following a social media challenge created to

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Canadian Olympic figure skating team unveiled for Beijing 2022

Veteran pairs duo Vanessa James and Eric Radford were named to Canada's Olympic figure skating team for Beijing

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