
11139 Articles

COVID-19 patient tried to sneak ivermectin in stuffed animal into Windsor, Ont., hospital, memo says

A COVID-19 patient tried to sneak the anti-parasite drug ivermectin into Windsor Regional Hospital by hiding it inside

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Grocers pressured to bring back 'hero pay' amid Omicron surge

The head of Canada's largest private-sector union says the refusal by the country's grocers to reinstate "hero pay"

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Intensity of Kazakhstan's political violence leaves many worried about country's fate

The speed of the political upheaval this week in the Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan has astonished many

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U.S. Supreme Courts hears arguments on Biden's vaccine mandate for large employers

Conservative justices on Friday questioned the legality of President Joe Biden's vaccine-or-testing mandate for large businesses as the

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Keurig Canada fined $3 million for misleading claims over coffee pod recycling

The Competition Bureau says Keurig Canada will pay a $3 million penalty for making false or misleading claims

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Canada added 55,000 jobs last month, before full force of Omicron hit

Canada's economy added 55,000 jobs last month, as a surge in full-time jobs more than offset a decline

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COVID-19 hospitalizations mount in Ontario, New Brunswick amid Omicron surge

The latest:At least two Canadian provinces have more people hospitalized with COVID-19 than at any previous point in the

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Manitoba family told to cover cost for bringing home body of woman who died after hospital transfer

A Manitoba woman is angry with the province after she was told she'd be left to cover the cost

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Half of all people offered Moderna COVID-19 vaccine refuse it, Ontario pharmacists say

The association representing Ontario pharmacists says roughly half of all people who are offered the Moderna vaccine are refusing

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Elderly renters given short notice of 43 per cent rent hike

Tenants of another New Brunswick apartment building, including several elderly residents, are facing double-digit rent increases that a new

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Hidden markups, missed sales on Instacart leave customers feeling 'ripped off'

While many Canadian consumers likely know to expect delivery and service fees when ordering groceries on Instacart, what

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With housing market smashing new records, think-tank pitches progressive tax on homes over $1M

With home prices in Canada's most expensive market going up at a dizzying pace, a Vancouver-based think-tank is proposing a

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Why testing sewage for COVID-19 could be more useful than ever

The COVID-19 testing system has been overwhelmed by the Omicron variant, making it impossible to know how many

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Are athletes at post-secondary schools elite? Ontario's new COVID-19 rules say no, but now there's pushback

Under new Ontario restrictions in efforts to fight the pandemic, Olympic and Paralympic athletes are among "elite" sports interests given the

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Climate fiction needs to challenge and inspire, say these Canadian authors

Hello, Earthlings! This is our weekly newsletter on all things environmental, where we highlight trends and solutions that are

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