
11139 Articles

Calls grow for Ottawa to 'step up' with military help for First Nation plagued by COVID-19 in Ontario

It's been three days since Bearskin Lake First Nation publicly asked the federal government for assistance from the

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Residential school day scholars now able to apply for compensation under settlement

Residential school day scholars are now able to submit claims for compensation under a recent legal settlement."Day scholars"

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U.S. government advisers recommend COVID-19 booster shots for young teens

Influential government advisers in the United States are strongly urging that teens as young as 12 get COVID-19

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Canada falling behind on promised vaccine donations to other countries

Canada has delivered about one-quarter of the vaccine doses it has promised to less wealthy countries and can't say

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Iran snubs another deadline in PS752 crash as families call for action

Iran has snubbed yet another deadline set by Canada and its allies to negotiate a settlement for the

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Passengers on Sunwing party plane could face jail time, thousands in fines

A group of Quebec influencers and reality show stars could be facing thousands of dollars in fines, after

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Sunwing passenger files sent to Quebec prosecutor, says federal health minister

About a quarter of the travellers caught partying on a Sunwing flight from Montreal to Cancun late last month

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Sunwing party trip organizer apologizes, plans to sue airline for breach of contract

The organizer of a now-notorious Sunwing charter flight to Cancun said he's planning to sue the airline for refusing to

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Flight attendants say Sunwing party flight shows what industry is dealing with amid Omicron

In the wake of a party on a Sunwing Airlines flight from Montreal to Cancun, Mexico, flight attendants

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Calls grow for inmate releases as COVID-19 caseloads climb in jails and prisons

Experts and advocates are calling on governments to release some inmates in provincial jails and federal prisons as

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More provinces push back return to in-class learning

The latest:Nova Scotia, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island joined the list of provinces pushing back the return to

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The pandemic is changing how restaurants do business, and it might be for good

Beckta, a storied upscale restaurant in downtown Ottawa, was buzzing one recent day, but it wasn't because of

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New show Run the Burbs crafts a modern family in a modern way

Fresh off a longtime run on one of Canada's most successful television comedies, Andrew Phung wanted to do

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Ontario lockdown means these workers are out of a job — again

This is the fourth time Amanda Battaglia is out of work since the pandemic began. Ontario has banned indoor dining as

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Restaurants are changing. Takeout isn't just for fast food anymore

Beckta, a storied upscale restaurant in downtown Ottawa, was buzzing one recent day — but it wasn't because of diners.

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