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BREAKING: President Joe Biden Pardons His Son Hunter Biden

Washington D.C. (WNEWS BREAKING) — President Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter on Sunday night,

Canadian Dollar Plummets to Multi-Year Low Amid Economic Uncertainty

Canadian Loonie Falls Below 70 U.S. Cents as Investors Seek Safe Havens

What’s Open & Closed Over the Holidays in B.C

Vancouver, BC, Canada (WNEWS) – As Christmas approaches, it’s important to be aware of the

Former President Jimmy Carter passes Away at 100

Plains, Georgia, USA (WNEWS) – Former U.S. President #JimmyCarter, a dedicated humanitarian and the nation’s

Latest Canada

Judge confirms plan to restructure Atlantic Canada newspaper chain

Nova ScotiaA Nova Scotia judge has approved a plan for restructuring Saltwire, the company which owns a string of newspapers

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2 more Canadians have died in Ukraine-Russia war, Global Affairs says

Global Affairs Canada says two more Canadians have died in the war between Ukraine and Russia, bringing the total number

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Calgary judge rules 27-year-old can go ahead with medically-assisted death despite father's concerns

A Calgary judge has issued a ruling that clears the way for a 27-year-old woman to receive medical assistance in

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Gordon Singleton, Canada's 1st track cycling world champion, dies at 67

Former Canadian track cycling star Gordon Singleton has died. He was 67.Cycling Canada confirmed on Monday he had been battling prostate

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Discount retailer Giant Tiger says customer data was compromised in third-party breach

Discount retailer Giant Tiger says contact information for some of its customers was compromised in an "incident" linked to a

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Canada tries to combat aging marine shipping workforce with online 'ocean school'

Canada's marine shipping workforce is aging, and in need of an influx of young workers.The industry and National Film Board

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What the U.S. Supreme Court hearing on abortion medication is about

Nearly two years after a momentous ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that led to half of all states banning

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Manitoba OKs $530M settlement after judge finds it improperly kept money from children in care

The province of Manitoba has agreed to pay out more than half-a-billion dollars after a judge found the government improperly

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