
Documentary on the legacy of residential schools in B.C. wins at Sundance Film Festival

A documentary chronicling the devastating legacy of residential schools in B.C. is among breakout films at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Directors Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie received the jury prize for directing in

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Trump's bond requirement in civil case lowered substantially by appeals court

A New York appeals court on Monday agreed to hold off collection of former U.S. president Donald Trump's $454 million

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Windsor, Ont., boy looks to better semi-final result at his 2nd straight Scripps spelling bee

Isaac Brogan is 12 years old and already has two regional spelling bee titles under his belt — as well

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Instagram is limiting the amount of political content you'll see in your feed, angering users

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Charges dropped against Ontario cops in shooting that killed toddler

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X to pay legal bills for doctor warned over COVID tweets

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Saskatchewan teachers’ job action continues across province today

Teachers across the province are pulling out of extracurricular activities on Monday, and some schools divisions will have additional noon-hour supervision

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Ontario ad campaign 'It's Happening Here' has cost taxpayers $8M

An advertising campaign by Premier Doug Ford's government that has been criticized as partisan self-promotion is costing taxpayers about $8 million,

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I knew exactly when my aunt was going to die with medical assistance. That didn't ease my heartache

This First Person column is written by Mary Gellner, who lives in Ottawa. For more information about CBC's First Person stories,

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