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Hong Kong's new security law comes into force amid fears it will further erode civil liberties

A new national security law came into force in Hong Kong on Saturday despite growing international criticism that it could

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Retired B.C. teacher named in 3 sexual abuse lawsuits

A retired British Columbia Catholic high school teacher with ties to the notorious Mount Cashel Orphanage in Newfoundland is now facing

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Years after her death, a trailblazing transgender P.E.I. artist will be part of prestigious Venice show

Erica Rutherford — a groundbreaking transgender painter, filmmaker and writer — is the first Prince Edward Island artist to ever be selected

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With climate change affecting the Arctic Winter Games, how can the event itself be greener?

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Calgary startup aims to launch sustainable aviation fuel facilities on the Prairies

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What to know about the measles vaccine — from who should get one, to how long immunity lasts

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Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is one of the worst games ever made. Here's why it's being re-released

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