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Canadian Dollar Plummets to Multi-Year Low Amid Economic Uncertainty

Canadian Loonie Falls Below 70 U.S. Cents as Investors Seek Safe Havens

What’s Open & Closed Over the Holidays in B.C

Vancouver, BC, Canada (WNEWS) – As Christmas approaches, it’s important to be aware of the

Letter from CEO: Happy New Year and All the Best in 2025

From the Desk of Eric Boland, Editor and CEO of WNews Dear Readers, As we

Former President Jimmy Carter passes Away at 100

Plains, Georgia, USA (WNEWS) – Former U.S. President #JimmyCarter, a dedicated humanitarian and the nation’s

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Pioneering pig-to-human kidney transplant performed in U.S.

A 62-year-man with end-stage renal disease has become the first human to receive a new kidney from a genetically modified pig, doctors

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Poilievre kicks off debate on non-confidence motion on carbon tax

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre urged MPs Thursday to back his motion to topple the government over its planned increase to

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Former CFB Trenton commander pleads guilty after bird shot at from boat

The former commander of CFB Trenton has pleaded guilty to charges of carelessly storing firearms and public mischief after a bird

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What's behind India's farmer protests? For one thing, climate change

Our planet is changing. So is our journalism. Keep up with the latest news on our Climate and Environment page.Sign up here to

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Quebec deaths probed for links to alleged poison seller Kenneth Law

Police on Montreal's South Shore are investigating two deaths for possible links to alleged serial murderer Kenneth Law.The Toronto-area man

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Why Israel had to change its Eurovision song to compete

It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual,

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Supreme Court won't hear appeal of private school that wouldn't let Muslim students pray

The country's top court has declined to hear the appeal of a private Calgary school that was found to have

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The Bank of Canada expects it will cut rates this year, but officials are split on the timing

The Bank of Canada expects it will be able to begin cutting interest rates sometime this year, but officials are

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