
St. John's airport, firefighters reach deal to continue normal operations

The St. John's International Airport Authority has reached a deal with its firefighting staff to keep the airport operating normally. Both the airport and the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees, which

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Stripped of dignity, $22 left after rent — stories emerge as Ontario sued for halting basic income pilot

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Health minister vows to restrict nicotine pouches — but how?

Canada's health minister says he'll seek extra authority to restrict the marketing and sale of nicotine pouches to youth, but it's unclear

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M. Emmet Walsh, iconic character actor known for Blood Simple and Blade Runner roles, dead at 88

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Canadian family says their relative starved to death in Gaza waiting for a visa

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Zach Edey tops the Canadians to watch in men's March Madness

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Who is trying to recall Calgary's mayor — and why?

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Young people's happiness has 'fallen sharply' for Canada and U.S. in global rankings

The latest edition of the World Happiness report shows people in Finland are first in overall happiness. Canada is in 15th

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Akim Aliu, former NHLer who campaigned to diversify hockey, signs minor-league tryout deal with San Jose

After years of feeling alienated by the NHL and campaigning to diversify the sport, Akim Aliu is getting another shot

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