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Ottawa mayor says ticketing, towing protesters could incite them

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson says the threat of violence has been too great to actively force convoy protesters, and their

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Populist rage demands leaders who listen — and choose their words with care

The convoy has moved on. The challenge of extreme populism remains.It's a long-term challenge both for Canada's democracy and its political

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Ottawa police setting up hate crime hotline after reports of assaults, threats

Ottawa's police chief says a hate crime hotline will go live before the end of the day Tuesday to investigate crimes related

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Conservative senator says 'friendly … patriotic' Ottawa protesters have been demonized

Conservative Saskatchewan Sen. Denise Batters defended anti-vaccine mandate protesters in a speech late Tuesday, arguing these "friendly" and "patriotic" demonstrators

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Ottawa police prepare as convoy protesting vaccine mandate heads to nation's capital

Ottawa police are preparing for the arrival this weekend of a massive convoy of protesters opposed to pandemic public health

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As anti-vaccine mandate protest enters 5th day in Ottawa, some worry about how it might end

As anti-vaccine mandate protesters continue to gum up downtown Ottawa, many are wondering how long police will let the protesters

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Trudeau ends use of Emergencies Act, says 'situation is no longer an emergency'

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is revoking the use of the Emergencies Act, the powerful legislative tool that was used to

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Canadian university races former Chinese partner to make a COVID-19 booster

The federal government has trumpeted previous vaccine partnerships with a China-based company as one of the reasons why Canada was

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