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Former President Jimmy Carter passes Away at 100

Plains, Georgia, USA (WNEWS) – Former U.S. President #JimmyCarter, a dedicated humanitarian and the nation’s

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Canada planning technological fixes to make crossing the border faster

Zipping through the Canada-U.S. border in 15 seconds. Facial recognition cameras at the airport to open an electronic gate. Sending

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Condo owners in aging building face $14M in repairs. If they can't pay their part they risk losing their homes

The enormous beige and brown slab condominium building Wendy Thomas has called home in the northwest corner of Toronto for

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Enterprise dings woman who rented truck on sunny day more than $5,500 for hail damage

Keli Chick never expected a one-day rental from Enterprise Rent-A-Car to turn into a year-long battle over a damage claim

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Friday was Matthew Morris's first day back in class after contracting COVID-19 earlier this month. His Grade 7 students, who returned

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His job was to convince Ontario community to take nuclear waste. He claims he was fired for taking its side

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U.S. orders families of embassy staffers to leave Ukraine amid fears of Russian invasion

The U.S. State Department on Sunday ordered the families of all American personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine to leave

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'Freedom Convoy' heading to Ottawa to protest trucker vaccine mandate

On Jan. 23, a 'Freedom Convoy' rolled out from British Columbia en route to the capital for a demonstration against

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