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Canadian Dollar Plummets to Multi-Year Low Amid Economic Uncertainty

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What’s Open & Closed Over the Holidays in B.C

Vancouver, BC, Canada (WNEWS) – As Christmas approaches, it’s important to be aware of the

Former President Jimmy Carter passes Away at 100

Plains, Georgia, USA (WNEWS) – Former U.S. President #JimmyCarter, a dedicated humanitarian and the nation’s

Letter from CEO: Happy New Year and All the Best in 2025

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Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard's sex assault trial to begin in May

The sex assault trial of Canadian musician Jacob Hoggard is set to begin in May after it was postponed multiple

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Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight amid climate change, cybersecurity and pandemic

The Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight.The new time on the clock — a metaphorical representation of how

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Most Havana syndrome cases not linked to foreign adversary, CIA interim report finds

The CIA believes it is unlikely that Russia or another foreign adversary is using microwaves or other forms of directed

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Baby among 4 people found dead at Manitoba-U.S. border: RCMP

Manitoba RCMP say four people, one an infant, were found dead Wednesday at the Canada-U.S. border. They are believed to have died from exposure to

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3 children found dead in Brampton, Ont., townhouse fire

Three children are dead after a fire engulfed a townhouse in Brampton, Ont., on Thursday, officials say.According to Peel Regional

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Yukon declares substance-use health emergency after 4 deaths in 1 week

Yukon Health Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee declared a substance use emergency Thursday morning in the wake of at least four drug-related

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Scientists want Ottawa to scrap carbon capture tax credit

More than 400 Canadian climate scientists and other academics are pleading with Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland to scrap her plan

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Russia faces severe sanctions if it moves further into Ukraine, says Canada's Joly

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly says Canada will join allies in imposing severe sanctions on Russian officials if the country

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