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Former President Jimmy Carter passes Away at 100

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Russia could be on the brink of invading Ukraine. Here's what might happen next

As the Russian military continues to squeeze Ukraine from three directions, Canada and its NATO allies are trying to de-escalate an

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The shorter work week: An idea whose time has finally come

This column is an opinion by Jon Peirce, a freelance writer based in Gatineau, Que. For more information about CBC's Opinion section, please see

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Contaminated medical devices used in open heart surgery caused severe infection in patients

Paul Johnson always knew he'd need surgery on his heart after doctors discovered a defect in his aortic valve when

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Toronto 911 operator says 'people are being hurt' by waiting on hold for up to 10 minutes

A baby not breathing, a drowning and a person suffering from a gunshot wound.Those are all examples of emergencies where callers

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Landlord delivers new appliances — and a $4,500 increase in annual rent

A Saint John family that's lived in the same apartment building since 2014 is moving out at the end of January

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His influence was 'everything': Canadians mourn loss of fashion titan André Leon Talley

When it was announced that former U.S. Vogue editor at large André Leon Talley died at 73 years old on

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government has no plans to expand a law protecting health care workers and patients

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Ontario to reopen restaurants at 50% capacity on Jan. 31, sources say

Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce Thursday that restaurants in the province will be allowed to reopen at 50 per cent

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