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Russia is looking for a pretext to invade Ukraine, Trudeau says

As it debates whether to send weapons to Ukraine, the federal government is taking into account Russia's quest for "excuses" to invade, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said today.Calls to ship defensive

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Canadian Dollar Plummets to Multi-Year Low Amid Economic Uncertainty

Canadian Loonie Falls Below 70 U.S. Cents as Investors Seek Safe Havens

What’s Open & Closed Over the Holidays in B.C

Vancouver, BC, Canada (WNEWS) – As Christmas approaches, it’s important to be aware of the

Letter from CEO: Happy New Year and All the Best in 2025

From the Desk of Eric Boland, Editor and CEO of WNews Dear Readers, As we

Former President Jimmy Carter passes Away at 100

Plains, Georgia, USA (WNEWS) – Former U.S. President #JimmyCarter, a dedicated humanitarian and the nation’s

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Why changing a Waterloo, Ont., summer camp's name 'is what reconciliation looks like'

A popular summer camp held at Laurel Creek Conservation Area in Waterloo, Ont., has changed its name in a move

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Canada's Shapovalov is out of the Australian Open after losing marathon match to Nadal

It took five sets, but Canadian Denis Shapovalov's impressive run at the Australian Open is over.Spain's Rafael Nadal outlasted the

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COVID-19 blamed for greatest drop in life expectancy in Canada since 1921

Statistics Canada says the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to an average seven-month decline in national life expectancy, the largest decrease recorded

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Former head of national vaccine task force pleads not guilty to sexual assault charge

Maj.-Gen. Dany Fortin, the military commander who was dismissed from his job as head of Canada's COVID-19 vaccine rollout, has

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Federal government investigating after cyber attack hits Global Affairs

A number of federal departments and agencies say they are working together to respond to a recent cyber attack on systems

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Survivors of Brantford, Ont., residential school getting $10.2M from Ottawa to search for unmarked graves

WARNING: This story contains distressing details.The group overseeing the search for unmarked graves at the former Mohawk Institute Residential School

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Stocks sell off as wave of fear and worry washes over markets again

Stock markets slumped further into the red on Monday, as investors were washed over by a wave of fear and

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Indigenous non-profit looks to acquire ownership of Trans Mountain Pipeline

A new Indigenous non-profit organization is seeking an ownership stake in the Trans Mountain Pipeline, saying its aim is to

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