The following are guidelines for news development, news sharing and editorial for the WNews Brand and UNews Magazine. These guidelines and standards apply to WNews’s employees (reporters, editors, etc), contact writers and guest reporters/writers. All employees & guest writers must follow these guidelines. Failure to follow through with the standards will include disciplinary actions which can lead up to termination of employment or contract.
WNews promises:
As journalists and reporters, we seek the truth and strive to present a responsible and fair glimpse of the world. The News is our powerful vehicle, and we endeavour to face the public with respect and candour.
Our power must be used responsibly. Our note pages and cameras are tickets into people’s lives, sacred worlds and complex institutions.
Transparency is won through accuracy, compassion, intellectual honesty and an introspective mission to convey complete, contextual views of our world. When we are transparent, we conduct our professional lives as if all our colleagues and our readers are watching over our shoulders.
Our goal is to begin and end each day with a primary obligation to the public’s right to know.
With every ethical scar, we threaten a delicate relationship with readers. Ethical breaches violate hard-earned trust and shatter our credibility.
To properly understand and reflect on the community, we must live thoroughly and wholeheartedly in it. The constant tension of demanding a better society, while still living in it, is an obligation of a passionate and compassionate journalist. We should be independent, without being detached.
Ethics is the constant process of examining and drawing these lines. It is a communal effort, and we should hold each other accountable for the protection of our values. These values must come through a discussion with our conscience, our colleagues and our leaders, both for the public interest and our own professional education.
The rights of the media are guaranteed in Section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
“Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms, (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.”
The rights of Media are also guaranteed in the Canadian Bill of Rights. in section 1(f).
“It is hereby recognized and declared that in Canada there have existed and shall continue to exist without discrimination by reason of race, national origin, colour, religion or sex, the following human rights and fundamental freedoms, namely, (d) freedom of speech; (f) freedom of the press.”
The rights of the press are guaranteed in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
As a growing News company online, we have policies for our reporters, web development and media development to safeguard our readership, viewers and advertisers. The Following guidance is required to be followed by all our Employees who works for WNews.
The 5 Ws Of News reporting is required by our reporters and editorial team.
The five “Ws” are:
There is group of people who makes the news possible which includes the following teams.
analysis: A critical or contextual examination of an important and topical issue based on factual reporting. It provides an explanation of the impact or meaning of news events and draws on the authority and expertise of the writer. Analysis articles do not contain the author’s opinions.
Investigation: In-depth reporting in the public interest that reveals wrongdoing and/or systemic problems, holds those in power accountable and promotes positive change.
Editorial: An article that presents a point of view reflecting the news organization’s position on an issue of public interest. Editorials are not meant to be a neutral presentation of the facts. They are written by journalists who are expressing the view of the news organization. As an editorial serves to present the company’s voice, there is no individual byline.
Opinion: Articles based on the author’s interpretations and judgments of facts, data and events. Opinion articles include columns written by staff and commentary from non-staff contributors. Opinion journalists have wide latitude to express their own views including views directly contrary to the news organization’s editorial views, as long as they fall within the boundaries of taste and laws of libel. Columnists should not engage in personal axe-grinding or internecine debates with other columnists who write for their own or other publications.
Advice: An advice article reflects the opinion of the author, who provides guidance or direction on a topic based on their expertise as well as their personal interpretations and judgments of facts.
Blog: An online journal updated regularly by a journalist or editorial department that supplements news coverage. Blogs are usually informal or conversational in style and may reflect a writer’s opinions, subject to the rights and responsibilities of fair comment.
First person: Narratives exploring an author’s insights, observations or thoughts based on that individual’s personal experience and opinions.
Readers’ letters: A selection of letters by readers expressing a point of view, usually concerning a recently published article or current event.
Review: A critical assessment of the merits of a subject, such as art, film, music, television, food or literature. Reviews are based on the writer’s informed/expert opinion.
The following process happens during the news reports and released of information to the public via publication. Depends of the story and how fast does the story need to be published.
This process can take as little as 15 mins to as long as a few hour depending on the scheduling of stories.
The public can submit stories and tips via email, online contact forms, Facebook Message, Twitter (@WNewsAlerts), InnerCercle and phone.
The following process happens during the news reports and released of information to the public via publication. Depends of the story and how fast does the story need to be published.
At WNews, we thrive to be 100% accurate with the stories that we published for our users, readers and listeners. For every story that comes into WNewsNetwork, we vetted the story and its content as well as the source to make sure it’s 100% accurate.
WNews is part of W-World Media which reports the news to the international community. The following is our fact-checking policy for news reported from WNews. This policy applies to our reporters, writers and officials plus third-party Authors/writers.
Reporters must be precise with their words, headlines, and URLs. They must understand that words have power and act responsibly. In doing so, reporters must verify the information they gather. This includes identifying information such as names and positions, but also includes factual statements and accounts. Reporters conduct their own fact-checking using their own judgment guided by the ethics policy. WNewsNetwork will use fact-checkers in certain circumstances it deems warranted.
Before any article is written, we ensure the information is new and accurate. We verify sources and always dig down to the original source (and reference material if applicable) before the writing process begins. Even if other outlets report an unsubstantiated piece of news as official confirmation, we require 100% confirmation to claim it’s actually confirmation. We do not post clickbait. Our headlines might be bold – but we don’t throw out broad statements just to sound bold. It has to be accurate and fact-checked. WNewsNetwork articles don’t just report the news, we provide industry-leading context that explains why that news is important to you.
On some big stories, we may require that the 3 different sources confirm the information on the story.
We, at WNews, make sure every new article has the latest info, the most accurate info, and all relevant details. When we are the original source, we follow basic journalism principles.
Through the W-Report and Digiima Platforms, users can send in their news stories which can be shared to WNewsNetwork’s web services by the editorial team.
Steps for reviewing User’s content:
All our users must follow our community guidelines when submitting news and other media. There’s some content that might be suggested which would have to be looked at by the editorial team.
W-World is responsible for all content on its news sites. This policy covers text, image, video or audio contributions from the public which are incorporated into news coverage on any platform.
Material that originates from a non-WNews source is clearly identified as such.
Before text, image, video or audio is published, we try to verify the information with a second source. There may be times when a third source is required.
We are clear with the audience about what we do and do not know. This could include explaining the user’s relationship to the events.
In exceptional circumstances, it may be difficult to authenticate a contribution. There may be times wherebecause of timelinessor as a matter of public interest, we decide to publish without full verification. The decision to publish material without full authentication must be referred to the Managing Editor. We should disclose such decisions to the audience.
We know that error does happen either on broadcast or through print. That why we have correction policies that we have in place so that we don’t lose our user’s trust in news and media content.
If a correction is required or needed, the following will happened.
For Online, the editor will send the correction request to the web team in which they will edit the story and put a notice on the top of the story.
Example of Notice Online:
“This Story has been corrected with new information regarding….. We appreciate the support with the updates and apologize for the information change”
“12:39pm: This Story has been updated with new information regarding ….”
For Print stories:
Put In the Following Edition on the Second or Third Page the Following:
“Correction Notice: The story “Put Story Headline Here” from yesterday Edition has some incorrect information regarding “Put In Correction” item here”. The story was updated online and we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. -Editorial Team”
During the live broadcast, sometime the wrong information is sent. In which we want to make sure our viewers get the correct information as fast as possible so the following process will happen.
One of the things with the value of WNews is we have a 100% base truth policy in which we expect our team to research the story in detail in which the process above will be required. Political lending bias will not be allowed in any of the stories posted as News. The only time that Political views are is through opinions or ops.
All of our reporters and anchors will be provided with an ID and Media access badge which shows that you work for W-World and WNews.
In our stories, we must try to get both sides of the story by contacting parties affected by the story or stories. The reporters must identify themselves as a Reporter/journalist from WNews and asked questions in relates to the story.
We requested and when possible that you get views from all parties. The main reason for that so that our readers can made the proper viewpoint on the story and that they decided how to view the story.
When reporting on news stories, you must as reporters and writer try to keep personal bias and opinions from the story unless it’s a Opinions.
Shall you work in a area with high risk to life or injuries, you must inform the editorial team of the type of risks that could happen. Should you be working with the the public in protests or riots, you must ensure that you are placed in a safe area.
Security or police will be provided in a situation where chance of acts of violence are high.
WNews journalists must identify themselves as journalists gathering information for possible publication, be it in person, on the telephone, by email or through social media platforms. This is the most basic contract between a journalist and a source – the foundation of informed consent in journalism.
Undercover reporting, photography and surveillance video should be used rarely, and a case must be made that the story to be uncovered is of significant public interest and the event to be investigated is a sustained, consistent practice, not a “gotcha.” Advance approval by senior editors or chief News Officer of any undercover work is required.
In such cases, the extent of and reason for the deception should be clearly communicated in the resulting published reports.
Cameras and audio recorders should not be concealed except in unusual circumstances and only with the approval of senior editors. It is permissible to record telephone interviews without a source’s knowledge to provide an accurate record of a conversation but these recordings should not be used for other purposes, such as being replayed on radio or on our websites.
No employees, reporters, editorial should accept any gifts, payments or monetary for any part of the story process. If any employees is found to have taken gifts or monetary gifts, they will be placed on unpaid suspension pending a investigation which can include actions up to termination of employment.
All reporter’s stories and content must be original in nature. If you must source something for the story, make sure that you attribute and quote the source.
All reporters, must not plagiarism their stories. That means using other content as their own writing.
For example if you quote a press release, make sure that you put quotient marks around the text and cite the source information.
“We are proud to introduce game changer new features with iOS 14 with new features like changing default apps, better secure access to the web and many new features. Users will love the new update that is launching this autumn” – Apple | PR, June 14, 2020
Other examples of attribution
Other News Sources
“As reported by CBC News, the political attack was made on Prime Minster Justin Trudeau by opposition leader for his failure to handle the pipeline protests”
Police Statement
According to the Vancouver Police, “no official deaths accorded doing the protests last night”.
To describe certain realities or report adequately on certain situations, it is sometimes necessary to use expressions or quotations that may be shocking to part of the audience. In these circumstances, we limit ourselves to what is necessary for understanding, we attribute the statements where applicable and we take care to present them in proper context.
We ensure that, taking into account the context in which the words are published, they are not likely to expose anyone to hatred or contempt on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or physical or mental disability.
We respect the audience’s degree of tolerance, with due regard for society’s generally shared values.
When we find it necessary to use words that could shock part of the public, we give a clear audience advisory.
Topic | Web | Media/TV Script Exmaple |
Sexual Assault | The following story contain content that may be hard to read. Reader/viewer discretion is advised. | The following story may contain content that may be hard for some users, viewer discretion is advised. |
Violence | The following story contain content that may be hard to [read/watch] | The following clip contains Violence, viewer discretions is advised. |
Self-Harm | Top: This story contain content that relates to self-harm, viewer discretion is strongly advice. Bottom: If you are dealing with thoughts of self-harm or dealing with thoughts of suscide, please contact a person you trust or contact the confidential self-help hotline in your region. If your facing a urgent crisis, please contact emergency services in your area. | The following story contain information with relations to self-harm. If your facing thoughts or experiences of self-harm, we recommend that you contact a confidential self-help hotline or contact a trusting friend or family member. |
Graphic Content/Media | The following story contain content that is not family friendly. Viewer discretion is advised. | The following contains graphic content. Viewer Discretion is advised. |
Strong Languages | The following content may contain languages in that may be offensive to some users. User discretion is advised | The following content contain language that may be offensive to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised |
Breaking News | This is a Breaking News Story and will be updated as required. | Beginning: The following is a breaking news story. End: You can get the latest on this breaking news story on our website at |
Update to Story | This story has been updated with new information. | |
Sometimes companies or famous people will ask for stories to be removed from the publication. As a company, we take all requests very much with a grain of salt. For the protection of Freedom of the Press, we only allow removal in the following situations:
WNews will in most cases, not remove names and high profile data with relevant to news stories and will not accept takedown requests. The only time we remove the information is it was accidentally published or a comment is made to that is made against our policies.
For EU and California users, we will remove data like addresses, names, accounts within two days of a request. We will not remove published stories that contains information like your name
Newsgathering, whether investigative or routine, lives and dies based on the quality of its sources of information. The more controversial the story, the more critical the credibility of sources becomes.
Our standards apply to all types of sources, including those coming via social media, when they are used for news gathering purposes.
There are two relationships at stake here – our relationship with the audience, and our relationship with the source.
Sources may be risking a great deal by sharing information. It is important that we are clear and explicit from the outset as to the degree of protection we are prepared to offer and how the information will be used (e.g. “on” or “off the record”).
This same clarity is necessary in our relationship with our audiences. We are clear about the relationship with the source. We let people know as precisely as possible where and from whom the information comes. This helps them evaluate that information and to put facts into context.
The values of accuracy, fairness and integrity guide our handling of sources and the information they bring.
Our commitment to accuracy and integrity means we try where possible to verify the information with a second source. And there may be times when more than two sources are required.
Our stories are based on information we have verified. Wherever possible, our stories use first-hand, identifiable sources – participants in an event or authenticated documents.
The importance of second sourcing is influenced by the nature and quality of the primary source.
If the primary source is confidential, we will, to the best of our ability, attempt to verify the accuracy of the information through independent corroboration.
We will refer any decision to publish a story based on a single confidential source to the Director.
To ensure we maintain our independence, we do not pay for information from a source in a story.
However, payment of fees at recognized rates to specialists for an expert report or a scientific analysis is acceptable. This is not chequebook journalism. In this context the payment of fees need not be reported on air.
Increasingly, audience members are becoming contributors; providing photos or footage of news events. As WNews does pay for freelance content, it may be appropriate, in rare circumstances, to pay for authenticated content. A decision to do so must be referred to the Director.
We often record our conversations with information sources or potential guests for note-taking purposes. This is common practice and is generally done openly, but may be done with or without the interviewee’s knowledge.
Whether made with or without the source’s knowledge, recordings of conversations or pre-interviews are generally not published. We are aware that publication of this type of material could undermine a source’s confidence in journalists. It could also have legal or regulatory consequences.
We accordingly take care to explore all alternatives to publication of this type of material, in keeping with our journalistic values. We will publish it only in cases when it is in the public interest and publication is the best way to ensure the accuracy, fairness and balance of our report.
Any proposal to broadcast a recording made without the knowledge of the interviewee is referred to the Director.
Our stories are based on information we have verified. Wherever possible, our stories use first-hand, identifiable sources – participants in an event or authenticated documents.
Before we agree to any conditions that would limit our use of information, we are explicit about what those conditions are. We also come to agreement with the source before the information is shared.
We can agree to talk to a source “off the record”, which means information cannot be used in a published form, nor can the source be named.
We can also agree to publish information from a source, but without identifying that source, in one of two ways:
Information obtained from confidential or anonymous sources should be verified before it is released.
Our ability to protect sources allows people with important information to come forward and expose matters of public interest. If we do not properly protect our confidential sources, potential sources will not trust us. This compromises our ability to expose abuses of power.
We offer protection to sources based on such factors as: the potential impact and importance of the information on the lives of Canadians and its potential influence on public policy.
We also consider the extent of personal or professional hardship and possible danger the source may face if his/her identity becomes known.
We must make efforts to establish the source’s credibility and/or find means to corroborate the information.
Once we have undertaken to protect a source, we ensure no details that could lead to identification are revealed. We are careful in the use of research material. We use the best technical tools to hide an identity for broadcast.
Whenever confidentiality is granted, both the journalist and the source must be fully aware that this commitment extends to WNews as well, and is not merely limited to the journalist granting it.
There may be legal implications in granting protection. Journalists should be familiar with relevant regulation or seek legal guidance.
Before a confidential source is used in a story or a story is published based on the information provided, the Managing Editor must be told who the source is, and what the agreement entails.
Disclosure of sources within the journalistic line of responsibility should not be confused with public disclosure of sources.
Seniority of required approvals will depend
upon the scope and scale of the story and its potential impact on people or institutions.
Sources often insist that we agree not to name them before they agree to talk with us.
We must be reluctant to grant this as our credibility to our readers is huge.
In the case in which we do decide to use an unnamed source, we are asking our readers to take an extra step to trust the credibility of the information we are providing. In this case, we must be certain in our own minds that the benefit to readers is worth the cost in credibility in order to get the story.
If the person request that they are protected, depending on the nature of the story and the risk, we will do the following stages of protection.
We are open and straightforward when we present interviewees and their statements. We make every effort to disclose the identity of interviewees and to give the context and explanations necessary for the audience to judge the relevance and credibility of their statements. In exceptional cases and for serious cause, we may decide to withhold such information in whole or in part. In such cases we explain the situation to the audience without disclosing the information that must be kept secret.
Leaked documents from known or anonymous sources can provide important research for a story.
When we receive leaked documents, we verify the authenticity, corroborate the information they contain, and carefully assess the motives of the person who leaked them.
There are also times when the content of the documents or the fact of their existence is an important part of the story. If we have agreed to protect the identity of the person who has provided the material, we are careful that the publication of the leaked documents does not inadvertently identify the source.
There may be national security or legal issues attached to the possession and publication of some leaked documents. We will take these issues into account and seek legal advice.
The decision to publish leaked documents raising legal or national security concerns is referred to the General Manager and Editor in Chief.
Many organizations share data with the public through websites and online databases.
Our Journalistic Standards and Practices apply to journalists, developers and programmers who gather, analyze, visualize and report on this data.
Web scrapers can be used as a way to extract publicly available information from websites in a short time frame.
When using web scrapers, we strive to be transparent toward the organization hosting the data.
We also take reasonable steps to minimize any performance impact our web scrapers may have on servers and other public users of a website.
When we judge it to be in the public interest, we may also decide to use clandestine methods to obtain the data (see chapter Principles – Clandestine methods). This may involve legal considerations. Before doing so, we obtain approval from the Director.
A Publication Ban could be issues by the Courts of a high profile case or a possibility of a child involvement in the case. If a court orders a Publication Ban, we as a company must follow the Ban. We can still report on the story but we cannot Identify the parties involved due to the ban.
If any reporters is found to have leaked the identity involved in the ban, not only will they could face legal Sanctions from the courts, they could also be terminated from the company for cause.
Publication Ban | Editorial or CNO Order
Sometimes, due to the nature of the story, the CNO may not allow the story to be published or may require that some names, places or other information be change to protect the person or their family identities.
One of the biggest values that we have is the truth in reporting. In relations, you must report in a truth base with proven and backed evidences. In Canada, it’s a criminal offence to spread slander or libellous statements.
Any reporters or writer found to have made false statements without backed evidences will be subject to consequence including unpaid suspension to and up to termination, possible criminal and civil penalties.
Slander: make false and damaging statements about (someone).
Libel: a published false statement that is damaging to a person or business’s reputation; a written defamation.
The organization should not shy away from writing about suicide when the story is newsworthy and considered to be in the public interest. Any report done should be respectful in content and in tone to the grief of survivors and strive to provide information for others about how to get help.
The content should seek to limit any and all explicit details, especially if they could further push others to make the same decision. These stories must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief before publication.
All stories that are published online should have links to help line information including phone numbers and web information. The story should have a content warning at the top of the story warning the reader that the following content contain information that may be unsettling to some readers.
Disappearances, especially disappearances of children, capture media attention. In these circumstances we play a role by publishing information to facilitate the search for and return of the missing person – notably under the Amber Alert protocol. At the same time, we keep a critical distance and report the facts while treating those involved with consideration.
In many Canadian and Americans municipalities and regions, W-World has adhered to an Amber Alert protocol for quick, regular and continuing broadcast and publication of information facilitating the search for a missing child who police believe has been abducted and who could be in danger. This information generally includes details identifying the missing child and can be broadcast or posted online while the Amber Alert is in effect. To determine the conditions under which this information is published and the point at which its publication should cease, we refer to the procedures put in place by WNews for deployment of an Amber Alert.
If the person is found and charges are laid in connection with the disappearance, we follow the usual rules and practices concerning identification of accused persons, witnesses and victims regardless of their prior identification in broadcasts of publications while the search was ongoing.
In order to limit the level of fame gained by executing horrific acts, our team actively works to remove photographs of serial killers and extremists. With approval from the Editor-in-Chief, some content can be allowed on site if it is in the public interest.
We generally refrain from publishing threats to individuals except where there is significant public interest.
We generally refrain from publishing threats to institutions unless the threats or the security measures that ensue involve consequences for the public.
A threat of violence received by WNews, such as a bomb threat, must be immediately reported to the police.
We reflect the reality of the situations we report. We also respect the sensibilities of our viewers, listeners and readers.
Scenes of violence and suffering are part of our coverage of wars, disaster, crime and conflict.
We respect our audience by assessing the impact of our images according to time of day and the context of the program where such material is appearing.
Persons or organizations preparing to publish the results of research or investigations will often offer us privileged access to the conclusions of their report on condition that we undertake to publish nothing of the shared content before a date set by the report’s author. This is called receiving information under embargo. A commitment to comply with the embargo may also have been made by a news agency that provides us with articles identified as embargoed.
Our policy is to fulfill our embargo commitments. Prior access to a study report allows us to better prepare our reports and to do rigorous reporting work on the results, and is thus a net benefit to the quality of information we publish. Also, we need to keep our word in order to keep information flowing from our sources.
However, if the embargo is violated by another media organization, we may consider publication after consulting editorial management and after informing the organization that asked for the embargo. We will inform them that the embargo has been broken and that we intend in turn to go public with the information.
If we have already obtained information covered by the material under embargo, we will avoid agreeing to an embargo and will publish the information according to our own criteria of newsworthiness and at the time we consider appropriate.
Our team aims not to publish anything that would jeopardize the right to a fair trial of a person accused of a crime, while actively working to keep the population informed. This can be a truly difficult process in high-profile cases involving incredible public interest. To that end, WNews actively considers the value of new information in relation to the timing of its release.
For example, at the time of arrest, the accused in most cases is unable to properly respond and excessive coverage could do damage. We furthermore do not publish statements by police that tend to incriminate the accused or evidence of the bad character of the accused just before or during a trial until such information is presented as evidence in court.
We do not report that an accused person has confessed until the confession has been ruled admissible and entered into evidence in court.
Wherever possible, we try to distinguish the accused from others who share the same name by specifying their age, occupation. Information regarding address should remain general.
The names of people charged with criminal offences are reported in our news stories unless there is a legal or ethical reason not to do so.
Most court rooms has no video recording policies unless it’s a high profile case and a judge has approved cameras in the courtroom. Further, reporters who are reporting on a case can take written notes on the case. No audio recording is allowed as well unless permission from the courts is issued. WNews may send a artist who can print a image of the courtroom.
Until the trial is concluded or a guilty verdict is entered, the suspect or crime must be referred to as alleged or accused.
The Conclusion of a case can occur in multiple ways and the following must be followed.
As a matter of policy, we do not publish the names of victims of alleged sexual assaults, or anything that would identify them, unless such victims agree to be identified and senior editors consider it in the public interest to do so.
We furthermore do not publish anything that would identify a person under age 18 who has been charged with a crime. This policy is consistent with the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
The law states that a victim under the age of 18 cannot be identified once an accused who is also under 18 has been charged unless the victim’s parents consent or the victim consents after turning 18.
Witnesses in a court hearing who are under 18 cannot be identified if the accused is also under 18. Names of the accused may be published, but will be considered on a case by case basis.
WNews will not normally allow publication of stories of hoaxes unless it’s to warn people of a hoax, scam or other similar issues.
In certain cases involving kidnapping, hostage taking and/or terrorism, when publication could endanger someone’s life, we should put the victim’s safety first. Decisions to withhold news in such cases must be approved by senior editors.
Elections can be heated for some readers, so we want to make sure that we have a unbiased reporting to the best that we can be. We want to make sure that all stories are true and not hostile. We allow to report about controversy that has happened during the campaign trail.
You must use polls, reports and studies from official government or approved sources. You may poll on some stories to get feedback from readers. Make sure you get the web editorial approval before conducting web polls.
Sometimes, there’smaybe situations where someone has information on a person, government or business that could be in the public interest. If someone approaches you with information, you must let the head editorial know or the CNO so a plan can be made.
The participation of children (15 and younger) and youth (16 or 17) in our programs and content entails special challenges. Children and youth do not necessarily have the experience to weigh the consequences of publication of their statements. They nevertheless enjoy freedom of expression and the right to information. Their realities and concerns cannot be fully reflected without being heard in our reporting.
Parents or those exercising parental authority are often the guardians of this balance and we generally respect their judgment in this regard. However, in some cases a parent can abuse his or her authority and fail to act in the best interest of the child or youth. There are also other circumstances where it may be appropriate to allow children and youth to exercise their good judgment about granting an interview or otherwise participating in our programming or content, for instance when no foreseeable inconvenience or detrimental consequences for them or their family could ensue.
We carefully assess the impacts according to the specifics of each situation. We respect the will of the child or youth and we put his or her interests foremost.
We should be aware that provincial laws on the protection of children and families generally include restrictions on publication of information about children or youth who are in care of the State, or who are involved with the justice system.
We take care to protect the privacy of children involved in the use of social media.
We are especially careful to assess the impacts when dealing with those aged 15 and under, who may lack the judgment required to consent to interviews and publication of their information.
We avoid providing information that could identify them because this puts them at risk from online predators.
When contacting children through their Facebook or other public sites, we follow the standards set for children’s participation applicable to all other platforms.
Protests and demonstrations, and the right to conduct them, are part of the democratic process. By definition, they are organized to attract the public and the media’s attention. But these situations may evolve and result in confrontation, violence or acts of vandalism.
In covering these events, the information we provide is as accurate and as timely as possible under the circumstances. In such a fluid situation, there is a commitment on our part to be open about what we know and how we know it. We will sometimes receive conflicting information from credible sources. We may choose to report this, making clear the circumstances of the situation and citing the sources while we work to reconcile the information in light of the reality on the ground. The information we provide helps the audience understand a fluid and chaotic situation, so that it can assess the impact and potential danger.
If reporters on one side of a confrontation cannot provide an overview, we ensure the audience receives a broader context in the course of our coverage.
Our journalistic independence and credibility is paramount, so our reporting should avoid inflaming or aiding in any way the various sides in a confrontation.
We consider the public interest before offering live coverage during a riot or demonstrations. That includes taking into account the possibility of showing scenes of extreme violence. We are also aware that our presence can sometimes in and of itself create a focal point of activity.
If WNews staff has exclusive access to a sit-in or demonstration by advance knowledge, a decision to accompany the organizers should be referred to the Chief Editor.
Individuals or small groups sometimes act in ways that cause disruptions or are potentially dangerous – to bystanders and/or themselves. Hunger strikes and sit-ins are examples. Hijacking and hostage-taking are more extreme, and are covered elsewhere.
Before providing live coverage of the event, or making direct contact with the principal participants on air, we assess the potential harm and the newsworthiness of the event, including the level of disruption it is causing in the community. The coverage plan flows from that assessment.
We take into account that the presence of a camera or microphone can alter the behaviour of the participants. By its nature, an event is being staged to bring attention to someone’s plight or to a matter of public interest.
If WNews staff has exclusive access to a sit-in or demonstration by advance knowledge, a decision to accompany the organizers should be referred to the Managing Editor.
The issues around hijacking, hostage-taking and sieges are similar to kidnapping.
We are balancing the need to report on the event with the need to prevent harm to innocent people. When we are reporting these events, the potential harm to innocent people is an important consideration.
Guided by our concern for their safety, there are many aspects of coverage, especially live coverage, that require careful consideration:
There are several situations that may arise in covering hijacking and hostage-taking which require referral to the General Manager and Editor in Chief:
We reflect the reality of the situations we report. We also respect the sensibilities of our viewers, listeners and readers.
Scenes of violence and suffering are part of our coverage of wars, disaster, crime and conflict.
We respect our audience by assessing the impact of our images according to time of day and the context of the program where such material is appearing.
If it is necessary to use graphic images, we will add a warning ahead of their use.
We should familiarize ourselves with any laws or regulations about the depiction of violence.
In journalism, clandestine methods include: recording a scene or statements with hidden technical devices; conducting an interview without first identifying oneself as a journalist; asking someone else to gather information on our behalf using any of these methods; and using concealment techniques when we gather digital information.
Since we are aware that unwarranted use of clandestine methods could impair the credibility of our reporting, we will ascertain beforehand that the method chosen clearly serves the public interest and is lawful. We will consult appropriate editorial management on the method we propose to use and its purpose, whether material will be gathered mainly for research on the subject or for publication in our report.
We will hide our recording equipment only in circumstances where we believe it would be difficult or impossible to gather the information by acting more openly. We will consult with the Managing Editor before undertaking clandestine recordings.
Public places:
We may choose to conceal our recording equipment in a public place – anywhere the public has unrestricted access – to record behavior that is a matter of public interest and that the presence of the camera might alter.
We may also choose to do so where a hostile crowd or individuals threaten the safety of journalists and that our ability to do our work would be hindered.
Private places:
Before bringing hidden recording equipment into private spaces, to which access is restricted, we will ensure the following:
We will consult with the Managing Editor to confirm our assessment of the situation, and will take care to comply with legal restrictions before undertaking clandestine recordings in private places.
Clandestinely recorded material will be carefully evaluated. Any proposed broadcast or online posting of a clandestine recording must be approved by the Director.
The following are examples where clandestine recording and publication of material could be warranted:
Material recorded in a public place:
Material gathered in a public place to illustrate behaviour, attitudes or reactions that would otherwise be impossible to document. We will ensure that the editing of the material results in a faithful representation of the reality being reported.
We will also take into account certain concepts specific to Quebec civil law, such as the right to one’s likeness, and ensure, in consultation with the Law Department when in doubt, that we properly understand the scope of these concepts and how they apply in specific cases.
Material illustrating an illegal or antisocial activity or an abuse of trust:
If selected excerpts of the material gathered reveal illegal or antisocial activity or an abuse of trust, we will attempt to confront the person exposed in the clandestine recording and will take his or her reaction into account in our report.
Clandestine recording by a third party:
Sometimes a person outside WNews provides a recording made without the knowledge of one or more of the persons recorded. We first and foremost seek to verify that the recording was made lawfully. We will also seek to verify its authenticity.
We will ensure that the editing of the material results in a faithful representation of the reality being reported on.
If the recording reveals illegal or antisocial activity or an abuse of trust or contains information of public interest, its publication in whole or in part may be warranted, provided we have attempted to confront the persons recorded and have taken their reactions into account in our report. Publication of a clandestine recording provided by a third party requires the Director’s approval.
Sometimes new technologies change the way journalists are able to gather images and information.
Use of these technologies generally does not change the way we interpret our standards and practices.
One such example is the use of drones.
Images captured by cameras attached to drones may violate the principle of respect for privacy. Any capture or dissemination of material involving this principle should be assessed against the public interest in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy standards elsewhere in this document.
Where appropriate, we may also refer to provisions for Clandestine Methods.
We should be aware of legal regulations concerning the use of drones.
We generally practice our reporting openly. However, there are times, while investigating a matter of public interest, a reporter will conceal his or her occupation and true purpose and pose as an ordinary citizen. We will consult with the Director before doing so. Our overriding priority will be sound public service journalism. Whatever the means used to contact a source without identifying oneself as a journalist (in person, by telephone, by email, through social networks), we will attempt to confront the source and take his or her reaction into account in our report.
When the investigation bears on illegal or antisocial behaviour or abuse of trust and the gathering of information of public interest, the journalist may need to infiltrate an organization to get first-hand information. We take into account possible safety issues for the journalist involved.
Before resorting to infiltration we will ensure that the following conditions are met:
Any plan to infiltrate will be submitted to the News Director for prior approval.
We respect the privacy of individuals, groups and organizations when they conduct conversations via conference calls.
As a rule, we do not attempt to hack in, or listen in without being openly invited to participate in a conference call. However, if a participant on the call offers to share the information after the fact, the principles for our treatment of sources would guide our use of the material.
We may consider listening in or recording without the knowledge of all the participants, if all the following conditions have been met:
If the conference call was recorded, the use of the recording on air or online is subject to the conditions set in Hidden Cameras and Microphones – Justification of Publication of Material Gathered.
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