Grandson of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, says 'we're in the final chapter' in health update

shania shelton
shania shelton 1 Min Read
CNN  — 

The grandson of former President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter said “it’s clear we’re in the final chapter” in an interview with People published Saturday.

Jimmy Carter, 98, entered hospice care in February. The former president beat brain cancer in 2015 but faced a series of health scares in 2019, and consequentially underwent surgery to remove pressure on his brain.

Family and caregivers have been the only recent visitors to the Carters’ Georgia home, Josh Carter told People. But “there’s always somebody at the house” to keep the Carters company, he said.

CNN reached out to The Carter Center for comment

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Reading: Grandson of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, says 'we're in the final chapter' in health update

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