White House defends response to asylum seeker influx following criticism from New York governor

priscilla alvarez polo sandoval mark morales
priscilla alvarez polo sandoval mark morales 1 Min Read
CNN  — 

The White House defended its response to the asylum seeker influx facing New York Friday, arguing that without congressional action, the administration is limited in what it can do, following a letter from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul urging more action.

The growing number of migrants at the US-Mexico border has posed a steep challenge for the Biden administration. It’s a delicate issue for a White House dogged by fierce criticism from the left and right over its handling of the US southern border and remains a political vulnerability amid Republican attacks as the 2024 presidential election approaches and Democratic local officials face pressures at home.

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Reading: White House defends response to asylum seeker influx following criticism from New York governor

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