Who's been sleeping beneath my house? B.C. couple discovers bear attempting to den under home

WNews 1 Min Read

A Vancouver Island couple say they were shocked to learn that a black bear set up a den underneath their home.

Crystal Weaver and her family live on a Duncan, B.C., property near a river that she calls a wildlife corridor.

For the last two weeks, her dog had been “absolutely neurotic,” barking and running around the yard, she said. On Dec. 28, they heard some noise coming from under the house.

“We thought maybe some raccoons were having a bit of a party down there,” Weaver said.

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The next morning, her husband went under the deck to investigate and came face to face with a black bear.

“I’ve never seen

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Reading: Who's been sleeping beneath my house? B.C. couple discovers bear attempting to den under home

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